Next point why they do not accept a personified God is, that all these religions do not accept the original religion. And that is the original Sanatana-Dharma. So, in order to destroy the original Sanatana-Dharma, the late followers have created from their religion that God does not has an body, He is unpersonified. Because the original Sanatana-Dharma accept that God has a body. This same original Sanatana-Dharma is the same religion that Srila Prabhupada was preaching and brought it to the west.
So, by not accepting the original Sanatana-Dharma, they don't have to worship murti's and by not doing so they don't have to become purified and if they don't have to be purified, then they can do whatever they want and fullfill their lusty desires.
The whole Bhagavat -Gita and the Srimad-Bhagavatam is full with examples. For example, Krishna, God Himself was driving the chariot of Arjuna in the Kuruksetra war, the Dhruva-Maharaja story, when Visnu appeared in front of Dhruva, the story of Gajendra, the elephant, when Narayana appeared in front of Gajendra, Canto ten of the Srimad Bhagavatam. Krishna was performing all His Lila's in an personified body. The Gopi's could see Him, touch Him, play with Him, dance with Him. Krishna His mother and father could have also their Lila's with a personified Krishna, as their Baby.
Srila Prabhupada was also using personified murti's. By serving this murti's one can become purified from the material contamination. Most of the devotees can tell about this experience.
Caitanya Mahaprabhu, when he saw the murti's of Jagannatha, Baladeva and Shubhadra, He totally gone mad in extasy.
No religion has this. Only the original Sanatana-Dharma has this kind of extasy. This same Sanatana-Dharma was also preached by Srila Prabhupada. This same Sanatana-Dharma is the whole process of Bhakti Yoga.
In all the books of Srila Prabhupada you can find enough evidence that God has a spiritual body , an personified body.
Hara krishna
What is "Krishna"...............
The awareness and knowledge about Lord Krishna is a must.
One should have full self realization and chetana about Lord Krishna because whatever we are telling actually it is not we, it is Krishna. Krishna exists everywhere - in everybody's soul. If we have full faith and belief in Krishna with full sarnagati, bhav and bhakti, we are sure that He is always with us - wherever we are moving.
I have developed this habit rather it is my anubhuti in this rajatama time /kalyug also. For example if somebody is using some undesirable language or if some unwanted thing is happening before me I immediately seeing the full face of Lord Krishna on the concerned culprit due to which my attention is diverted from that scene and offering Parthana and Krityagata to Bhagwan and satvikta is maintained. Other devotee friends can also experiment this and see the changes.